
Why choose UIS Residences and Homestay?

Urban International School has a variety of options for student’s accommodations. All types of accommodation provide excellent student hosting, 3 meals, and a comfortable environment. Please find out the details of UIS drewry & charlton residence, UIS residence, Premium Homestay, and regular homestay then inquire about the homes that are most comfortable for your stay while studying with UIS!

Type of UIS Accommodations

UIS Main Residence

A single room

with private bathroom

A double room

with shared bathroom



UIS Regular Residence

A single room

with shared bathroom



UIS Premium Homestay

A single room

with shared bathroom



UIS Regular Homestay

A single room

with shared bathroom




UIS Residence is a more home-like space with a UIS residence don onsite to provide care and enforce the well-being of the students. All UIS residence rooms are fully furnished with a single bed, dresser, desk, and chair.

UIS Drewry & Charlton Main Residence

A single room

with private bathroom



Double room

with shared bathroom


for student travel to the school

UIS Main Residence students are provided with a single room(Private Bathroom) or double room (Shared Bathroom) and 3 meals provided by the school. Main Residence is a fixed location, convenient for student travel to the school. Students will experience the life of being independent with the supervision from the Residence Supervisor assuring safety of the students. 

UIS Drewry Main Residence

· A single room (Private Bathroom)

· Double room (Shared Bathroom) 

· 3 meals

UIS Charlton Main Residence

· Double room (Shared Bathroom) 

· 3 meals

UIS Regular Residence

A single room

with shared bathroom



UIS Residence students are provided with a single room and 3 meals provided by the Residence Hosts. Most UIS Residence is close to the school and provides extra services on student care and living style exclusive to UIS Students. Students will be able to find their study and life patterns outside of the school with close care from the UIS Residence hosts.


UIS homestay specialist monitors and inspects each home to provide good quality and safety. There are several benefits of living at a UIS homestay. A host family supports and ensures students can concentrate on their school life and accomplish successful academic results. In addition, students experience Canadian culture such as the Canadian food, the lifestyle of a Canadian family and they can improve their English skills.

UIS Regular Homestay

A single room

with shared bathroom



UIS regular homestay provides a single room and 3 meals for students. Our hosts are kind and friendly and provide a warm welcoming environment for all students entering their homes. Students will be able to interact with the host family to improve their English social skills and meet other students at home to enjoy building friendships. UIS Homestay will provide safety and general care for the students to adjust to their life in Canada.

UIS Premium Homestay

A single room

with shared bathroom



UIS Premium homestay students are provided a single room and 3 meals. Most premium homestays are close to school and provide excellent hosting services from host families. Students will be able to have more flexibility on food options and extra assistance from the homestay host family. They will show excellent professional care for the students to adjust to their life in Canada.